Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ok its not cycling but its important... Climate Change Survey

A copy of an email from the Department of Environment and Conservation

Hi there fellow West Australian.

We are the Department of Environment and Conservation and would like to work with you to tackle climate change.

To do this we are proposing to coordinate a 2-3 month long community wide climate change initiative in late 2008 that aims to reduce household climate change emissions across the community.

To help get as many West Australians opinions as possible we would appreciate your input into this our second community survey that aims to find out what actions you are most likely to adopt in your household and how we can assist you in adopting them.

It should only require 6 minutes of your time and is located at: This survey is only being distributed by email so could you please forward it to 5 or more of your friends from as broad background and age as possible.

The first survey received nearly 2000 responses in two weeks – this time we would like to reach at least 10 000 before the survey closes on the 9th of May. To show our appreciation for your efforts we are again offering 10 double movie passes to be drawn in mid May from those who successfully complete the survey.

Thank you in advance for your help completing and distributing this survey.

Kind Regards Julian Ilich
Program Manager – 2009 ‘ACT NOW’ Climate Change Initiative(for the Office of Climate Change) Department of Environment and Conservation

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