Thursday, March 6, 2008

A two wheeled strategy to promote women's cycling in WA

On Wednesday 5 March 2008 a group of WA women cyclists gathered to discuss ways in which road racing in WA could be improved. The outcomes of this evening have been formulated into a draft strategy.

We are seeking feedback on this draft strategy through out March please post a comment in response to this blog or if you’d prefer contact Cycling WA direct or call 08 9328 3422. Once we have finalised this strategy we will then be calling for volunteers to make it happen.

The two wheeled strategy

The rear wheel: generate interest and support for new women to participate in road racing
The front wheel: improve the current experience of road racing in WA for women

The rear wheel: generate interest and support for new women to participate in road racing

The greatest barrier to participation is the current low numbers of women participating in racing despite many women riding. To drive the sport forward it will be critically important to generate interest and support participation.

Action 1) Women’s specific come and try day

Description: A free or cheap event for women that includes
-skills session
-exhibition race
-participation race
-information stalls
-goodies and information pack
-options for progression

When: Annually

Who: Hosted by a club, coordinated by a lead volunteer, supported by the CWA

Action 2) 4-6 week skills course

Description: A course designed to teach basic road racing skills and build confidence. The come and try day will be a key feeder for this course.

When: Annually

Who: Coordinated by a lead volunteer, run by a qualified coaches and assistants, supported by CWA

Action 3) A women’s focused event or series of events

Description: An event that is specifically designed to give women a positive first race experience. The come and try day and multi week skills course will be a key feeders for this event
When: Annually
Who: Hosted by a club, coordinated by a lead volunteer, supported by the CWA

The front wheel: improve the current experience of road racing in WA for women

Once an interest has been generated it will be important to ensure that there are races for women to progress on to and enjoy participating in.

Action 1) Best practice checklist for clubs hosting events

Description: Develop a checklist for clubs to help them ensure that their event is friendly to women and supports other new comers to the sport. The checklist should cover:
-Course selection
-Welcoming of newcomers

When: By December 2008

Who: Coordinated by a lead volunteer, lead by a club, to be endorsed by the Race Management Committee and supported by CWA

Action 2) Publish race reports by women on CWA website

Description: Encourage women to write race reports for publishing on the CWA website to promote a culture of sharing the race experience.

When: Ongoing

Who: Individuals who participated in the March 2008 forum to set an example and encourage others to also do so.

Notes 5 March 2008 Women’s Forum

Notes from the 5 March 2008 Women’s Forum, with a few additional comments given by email added

Things we can do to make a difference
- Use professional event organisers to run events
- Develop a course as a funnel to events
- Have a go on your huffy events
- Easier race courses for entry level
- Offer a mix of mixed and women’s only races
- Educate on how to race
- Offer more C, D, E grade racing especially at club level
- Develop a buddy system for new comers
- Consider rotating volunteers
- Do a come and try day including: Food; Practical skills including how to ride, race and basic maintenance; Goodies bag including basic information on riding; Stalls; Lead on events; Exhibition race; Participation race; Offer discounted race licence
- Publish race reports
- Improve CWA website content
- Run an event after the tri season ends to capture that market (End May)
- Find out what other states are doing
- Offer bike maintenance sessions
- Coffee Crits
- Offer Women’s clinics in regional areas

Things we like about road racing in WA
- The women’s Tour de Zig Zag that was held a couple of years ago
- Cyclosportif because it’s a mix of abilities and sexes and has a group/team environment
- Raffles, that way anyone has the opportunity to ‘win’
- Race reports as they help you get the feel of racing without necessarily racing

Things we don’t like about road racing in WA
- No one to organize women’s racing
- Poor recognition of women in race presentations
- All women race together which is hard/ discouraging for the non elite
- No in-between races
- Race organisers don’t provide enough information about the race such as course maps
- Old boys club
- Difficult to do a ‘Personal Best’ in road races
- Women’s racing can be unfriendly
- Lack of safe ad non-competitive environments to have a go
- Do clubs actually want more women racing?

What we’ve already tried
- Tour de Zig Zag- women’s focused race that fell over due to lack of volunteers

Who ?
- CWA: leader, facilitator, supporter
- Clubs: Especially ATTA and NDCC who already endeavour to promote/encourage women's cycling
- Individuals: willing to volunteer
- Sponsors